Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ringing in the New Year

So we rang in the new year last night because we are all getting the boot back to sites tomorrow. So- instead of missing out on celebrating together, we just pushed New Years up a few days. No big deal!

Things are seemingly back to normal around Conakry, the curfew has been lifted and all things seem to be going smoothly. Perhaps the smoothest coup d'etat in history? I don't really have the background for making that kind of statement, nor do I want to jinx us, so we'll just say things have gone smoothly.

There have been rumors of something like 40 days of mourning after the President's death... which would mean 40 days sans school... which would mean utter boredom. So, we're hoping that's pas vrai and that when we get back to site, we'll get to work as usual. But, we'll see I guess. I wouldn't be surprised if they took 40 days off school, but I'm just hoping it was a multiple person rumor. We'll see.

Bummer we didn't get to see all of the people from G16 due to the coup. But at least we have our IST (in-service training) coming up which will be the first time all of G16 is reunited since moving to sites. So everyone's really excited for that.

I guess that's about all the news for now. Don't know if I'll get to post again any time in the next month or so, but still send me updates and try calling!

Love and miss you all
Happy New Year!


1 comment:

Old Time Tom said...

Sorry your holiday was cut short, hope you can receive phone calls tomorrow. Also hope you have good trip back to station. As for 40 days mourning, sounds like folks are celebrating new government. Hope your team gets back into operation shortly, and that you all have a Happy and Joy Filled New Year, Honeg & Popop