Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Turkey day!

Hey ohhh

I'm trying to think of exciting things to tell you, but life has been pretty normal for my life in Africa. So site is good. Schools going well. This week more than half of the teachers were out of town, leaving the students with a, shall we say, relaxed schedule. I got a ride into Labe with our Doc who came to make some site visits. We're going to try to recreate an american holiday in africa. I'll let you know how it goes.

For now, I'm trying to load pics, but the internet, and computer, are kind of frustrating and terribly slow. Hopefully I'll get to load at least a couple. A Guinean fete, Tabaski, is coming up. So I'm getting a new outfit made- should be sweet. Guineans get new outfits for every holiday, so it's only natural that I do the same.

A random fact: Guineans turn off their cars/motos when they're going down hill. Random. But, true.

Welp, don't have much exciting news, so keep me posted on your lives and have a happy turkey day! eat some baconf or me!

loove you


mom said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and all the volunteers and all your missionary friends. I was thinking you should send me a list of spice needs for me to mail to Lisa to take back. Know that we think of you always and miss you on this holiday. Enjoy and bacon is on its way.


Unknown said...

Hey Rachel,

I figure that the next time you blog you'll be wishing everyone a merry christmas, so I wanted to beat you to it. Merry Christmas!

Now for a hockey update, Malkin and Sid are leading the NHL in scoring, and while we're racking up injuries, our record is pretty decent. On Monday Letang got his first goal of the year; he was feeling the "vibes." Crazy!

Hope all is well!

ima said...

my secret word verification is imman, so i think it's a sign that I must write to you. I've been thinking about you a lot, wondering how it's going out there. It's finals week at Pitt, we're all stressing and it's wonderful. haha. naaahhht. And the holiday mood is slowly setting in. Peter is back from France and visited us in Pitt this past weekend, that was nice. Otherwise we're just trying to get through the week as best as we can before heading out.
love love love,

Old Time Tom said...

Happy Christmas; late picking up blog, got good news, Honey got good report from Neurologist, does not have Parkinsons, has some signs of "silent" mini-strokes in brain stem, not important. He told her to travel and party. Heard you got Christmas package, hope it was undamaged, food seems good. We missed you in mountains, dogs ran in snow, chased rabbit. Love, Honeyg & Popop

Unknown said...

Christmas is just around the corner, so we are wishing you Very Merry Christmas African style!

Everyone here is doing fairly well. Denny's still at Tech Data plugging along as usual. Carl's having a rough time with employment, pray for him. I'm home with all the critters as usual keeping house.

We will all be at Honey & Pop Pop's for Christmas this year with my Dad too.

Hope you continue to enjoy your adventure and the kids you teach.
God Bless You,
Julie, Denny & Carl

Unknown said...

Hi Rachel!
Just a note to say hi and let you know we're thinking of you. We hope all is going well for you. I am so totally in awe of your courage to go off on such a venture -- what an experience! I'm sure your radiant personality is a joy to everone you're meeting. I hope you are not too homesick as the holidays are upon us. Let me know if there is anything I/we can do for you.
Candi Anderson