Me, Carolina, Tiffany and some students from the 12eme class of Practice School. This was the End-of-Practice-School Awards Ceremony.
Turn your head to the right, and you'll see Fatoumata Binta Diallo 1 and 2 in matching complets. This was taken this morning at the Goodbye Ceremony in Forecariah before we left our families.
The Diallo Family, minus the dad. Binta holding Ibrahim, me holding Dalanda, my mom, and bro Saidou. This morning at the Goodbye Ceremony.

My home for the next two years! My Proviseur is on the far right, the Directeur de la Sous-prefecture de l'education is on my other side, and on the far left is Ousmane Sow, the Peace Corps drive for the Fouta region, and also, the man.
I'm so glad that you're doing so well, Rach! The pictures are a solid addition to the blog, too. I hope your transition is a smooth one, and hope to hear from you soon!
That's a hot get-up you've got there! Truly bangin'. I think your little brother in that one picture is judging you for leaving, or that his sister got to be picked up by you instead of him, I'm not quite sure. Either way, it looks like you're having a great time and will be moving into quite the palace soon!
Good luck with swearing in today and keep in touch!
Great to see photos, especcially heone with you and your #2 in matching complets. How terrific, and she looks very sweet, and like she is gonna miss you. Hope you have wonderful hours in your sturdy home for next two years. Honeygram and I spent several hours poring over pictures, so proud. We are so glad you're doing well and hope things continue your beautiful journey successfully.
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